Sunday, 10 August 2008

Make your book outstanding.

Being read my last rites at my JWT placement, Mike McKenna had some great advice: Make your book stand out. Not the stuff inside it, the outside cover.

Mike mentioned that he sprayed his book red when he was doing the rounds, purely to make it stand out. Then when it was handed in for crits, shows, and competitions, everyone knew it was Mike's book. Didn't matter what was in it, Mike had a point of difference. His book stood out without even being opened.

I remembered this advice when handing in our book at The Talent Business for Cream 2008, as our black book was taken in by the lovely receptionist and added to the pile of black books.

Thanks Mike, if only i had bothered to listen...


The Oxymorons said...

I agree to a certain point, but surely the work is the most important don't you think?


Ronnie Blogsville said...

Yes i think the work is definitely most important.

The point of this post is to highlight the fact that so so many teams have their work neatly displayed in expensive portfolios that all look the same.

And we're all trying to get noticed for being different to the other teams out there.

I know of two teams who are being noticed and remembered purely because they dont use traditional portfolios. One team uses a record box, the others have converted a suitcase into a first aid kit.

Quite original and they wont be forgotten about five minutes after walking out of a crit.

Biscuit Barrel said...

Hey, your blogs a good read! Thanks for putting me on your blog list, i didn't think anyone cared about my blog haha.

The Oxymorons said...

Record box and a first aid box?
Sounds like 2 teams from Bucks. Do you know who they are?


Ronnie Blogsville said...

Hmmm Jamie and Adam with the first aid box, they're def from Bucks, good guys, and an all-girl team have the record box book, their names escape me though...